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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Forex Trading Signals

Are you still looking for the right Forex Signal provider?

Listed below are some of the more well known companies that offer Forex Signals. Committing yourself to one of these companies for at least one month will help you know if this is the right strategy for you. Not all signal services are created equal.
Forex Live on the News – This is a news trading service hosted by Dustin Pass. A well known trader that manages accounts and offers signal service for all kinds of traders. News trading can be difficult, but Dustin seems to find a way to trade successfully.
NetPicks – one of the major players that has been around for a very long time. A lot of signal providers come and go, but Netpicks has stuck it out because there systems are always evolving with the markets.

NFP News Trade 

As of right now it looks like our NFP news trade for the month is a no trade since we did not break our 15 minute range. We will give the currency pair until 12:00pm Eastern to seal its fate. Should we get a breakout this late we will keep a tight stop and only look for a slight gain. We’ve had three good months in a row, so we may have to wait for next time. could be your signal provider

You may still be looking for a Forex signal service to help you with your trading. may be able to help you.

NFP News Trade 

These are the results for our support and resistance trade on the NFP report for April 2008.

Non Farm Payroll News Trade

The GBPJPY was the currency pair to trade this time around during the Non farm payroll news trade announcement at 8:30am this morning. There was a perfect support and resistance level created within our 15 minute time frame. Although the news was really choppy on other currency pairs, the Sterling Yen was acting really well…

NFP News Trading

What to look for? The forecast is set for an even 5%. Alright, so what does this mean to us news traders? This NFP announcement is obviously one of the biggest events in some time, so we should see movement on all currency pairs. NFP news trading can be very profitable….

Forex Auto Pilot

The name speaks for itself. Having a Forex auto pilot is a nice thing to have when it is working in your favor. Forex trading is definitely making more of a transition to auto trading, due to its 24 hour style. It’s hard to stay up all night waiting for trades to…

Forex Trading Robot

We all thought robots would be in control of the world one day and that hasn’t happened. Right now there is something serious brewing when it comes to Forex trading robots. These trading robots are allowing traders to trade without emotion. The hardest thing in trading is keeping emotion on the sidelines…

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